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Motion passed in previous meeting

Guest Rita

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A motion is presented and passed in a previous meeting but in the next meeting the members want to make changes to what was approved (i.e. a budget, or an amount of money for donation)


-How would this be handled if this occurred in the next month's meeting?

-How would this be handled if this occurred in the same meeting even though there was discussion and the motion was handled according to RONR?


I have done alot of reviewing the RONR text but it helps to have the discussion to besure.


Thank You

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In a future session, the process would be a motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted. This takes a two-thirds vote, a majority with previous notice, or a vote of the majority of the entire membership.


In the same meeting, a member who voted to support the motion could move to Reconsider it.


Information on these is found in sections 35 and 37 of RONR.

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