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Guest Sherry W

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What is the proper reference for a female chair of a board?  Should she be referred to as Chairman, Chairperson, etc?


"Chairman" is the preferred term in RONR for a presiding officer with no other title (regardless of gender), but some alternatives such as "chairperson" or "chair" have become increasingly common and are used in many organizations. It's really up to the customs of your organization (and I agree that the personal preferences of the presiding officer should be considered as well).

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Chairmen is correct.

Chairmen does not refer to a gender but a species.


"A person presiding at a meeting who has no regular title or whose position is only temporary is addressed as "Mr. [or Madam] Chairman" by long-established usage. Several variations of this form—such as "chairperson" or "chair"—are now frequently encountered, however, and may be in use as the general practice in particular assemblies." (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 23)

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