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profanity used by board members


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The 2n vice president of our association board gets upset when members of the community don't agree with what they are doing and

stands up and curses at the members.  It has been taped and he says he will keep on cursing and yelling  when ever he wants.

What can be done about someone like that.  We even have an attorney at every meeting and all she says is she is afraid he will

make himself sick but does not discourge his behavour.

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That is a fairly clear breach of decorum, and the chair should put a stop to it.  The board (by majority vote) can have the 2VP removed from the meeting at which the breach occurs.  That's usually enough to convince offenders to control themselves.


The attorney is concerned with whether the actions are illegal, which they probably are not; but they are improper from a parliamentary point of view.  It's the chair, not the attorney, who is responsible for maintaining decorum.

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The 2n vice president of our association board gets upset when members of the community don't agree with what they are doing and

stands up and curses at the members.  It has been taped and he says he will keep on cursing and yelling  when ever he wants.

What can be done about someone like that.  We even have an attorney at every meeting and all she says is she is afraid he will

make himself sick but does not discourge his behavour.


Anything from having him removed from the meeting when he causes a disturbance to having the association remove him from office. (See Chapter XX in RONR, beginning on p. 643)


I guess my questions is, does anyone really care?  I ask because you have not provided any facts that suggest anyone at the meeting does, though perhaps you're the lone wolf who does.

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I am not the only one who is fed up with his actions.  Many in the community would like to get rid of him and the President and his wife are no better

.  We have tried a recall but people are afraid to sign anything they have to put their name.  We have 2 couples on the board the Vice President wife is

maintanance treasure and the President wife is civic treasurer.  This is not right but the attorney ok everything.  We had an election. The president sent absentee owner ballots

with an insert telling them to vote for their slate and a stamped envelope with their home address on it.  When it was shown to the lawyer she just ignored it. 

She ran the election which we feel was a conflict of interest as she had a lot to lose if the other side won.  She is at every meeting and is making over $2000 a month .

We are an  HOA so at this time there is no one to help us.We are a retirement community and cannot afford lawyers fees.

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I am not the only one who is fed up with his actions.  Many in the community would like to get rid of him and the President and his wife are no better

.  We have tried a recall but people are afraid to sign anything they have to put their name.  We have 2 couples on the board the Vice President wife is

maintanance treasure and the President wife is civic treasurer.  This is not right but the attorney ok everything.  We had an election. The president sent absentee owner ballots

with an insert telling them to vote for their slate and a stamped envelope with their home address on it.  When it was shown to the lawyer she just ignored it. 

She ran the election which we feel was a conflict of interest as she had a lot to lose if the other side won.  She is at every meeting and is making over $2000 a month .

We are an  HOA so at this time there is no one to help us.We are a retirement community and cannot afford lawyers fees.


If you want to get rid of them, see FAQ #20 or the disciplinary procedures in your bylaws, if any. People are going to have to get over their fear if they intend on accomplishing anything about these issues.

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