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Resignation and appointment

Daisy Carrington

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After a careful review of our bylaws, they say, "a vacancy occurring in the office of president shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the vice president." We have two. Who gets the shoe in? Is it assumed the first VP or do the first and second VPs or Board decide? The duties of the VPs are not spelled out, so it is not written that either will assume the role.

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If the bylaws only refer to "the vice president", how is it that you have two?    Do the bylaws specify offices  of 1st and 2nd VP, in the section establishing officers, yet ignore that fact in the article dealing with vacancies?    That should be put on the list of things to fix.


The default rule in RONR is that whenever the presidency becomes vacant, the 1st VP becomes president.  The 2nd VP becomes 1st VP, and any higher number VPs all slide one chair over.  


A vacancy thus occurs in the office of the highest numbered VP.

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