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Motion passed but not acted upon, so

Guest Shelley Pedersen

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Guest Shelley Pedersen

During our 2014 term of office, a motion was made and passed to make a specific donation to a 501c3 for a specific program, but the check was never cut (treasurer error).  Now in 2015, the new VP didn't check into the matter beforehand, and recently proposed a new motion (which passed) to donate to the same entity for the same program - however with substantial/material changes in dollar amount and intent.  I was told that since the first motion wasn't acted upon/completed, it was moot/dead, and this new motion could just (basically) ignore that it ever existed and go forth in this new direction.  Is this correct? 

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Not exactly.


If the first "donate" motion had a time limit or a date certain in it (which has expired or passed, of course), then it is indeed no longer in effect.


But if not, then it remains a valid motion and the second "donate differently" motion is void.  See p. 251, ( b ) ,  but read on there to see if the "unless" clause applies in your situation.

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