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Nominating Committee missed one position

Guest Barb

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Our nomination committee was told that a certain position was not open, so they presented no candidate.  The position was not considered open, as the previous occupant had moved and a replacement was elected at the September meeting.  Nominations and elections occur at the November meeting.  The oversight was discovered at the January meeting.  A nomination and eletion was held.  But someone used the word "appointed by the president to fill a vacancy".  The president has the power to appoint, but feels that an election would be more appropriate.  How can we best utilize Roberts Rules of order in this situtation?

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Our nomination committee was told that a certain position was not open, so they presented no candidate.  The position was not considered open, as the previous occupant had moved and a replacement was elected at the September meeting.  Nominations and elections occur at the November meeting.  The oversight was discovered at the January meeting.  A nomination and eletion was held.  But someone used the word "appointed by the president to fill a vacancy".  The president has the power to appoint, but feels that an election would be more appropriate.  How can we best utilize Roberts Rules of order in this situtation?


I think the nomination and election at the January meeting may well have been proper. Even if not, the solution seems pretty simple - the President can simply appoint the person that the assembly elected.


First check your bylaws.  They will tell you who, if anybody, has the authority to fill vacancies.


If they do say that the president has that power, then his feelings are not relevant.  The president appoints.


But it's not clear to me that the President's vacancy filling power kicks in here. It seems to me that the assembly mistakenly failed to elect this position at the November meeting, so there was an incomplete election that was completed at the January meeting.

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But it's not clear to me that the President's vacancy filling power kicks in here. It seems to me that the assembly mistakenly failed to elect this position at the November meeting, so there was an incomplete election that was completed at the January meeting.

I agree.  Based on the facts we have been presented, it appears to me that there was an incomplete election and that an election for the office was in order asap.

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