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Public Commentary

Guest Mitra

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This is an Academic Senate committee. A member of the college read her statement during the Public Commentary (expressing her dissatisfaction with the Senate). After the minutes were sent to the senators, she emailed her commentary to the secretary in written format asking the Senate to include it in the minutes. The senators approved the minutes with the correction (including the commentary in the minutes as an appendix).

Are the Robert's Rules followed in here properly?


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The senators approved the minutes with the correction (including the commentary in the minutes as an appendix).


Well, there's no appendix in RONR's minutes. No tonsils either. And I wouldn't characterize the addition of the commentary as a "correction". But the Senate is free to include whatever it wants in the minutes of its meetings. 

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This appears to be a done deal now, since the senate approved the minutes with the inclusion of the "commentary".  If this comes up again, I would suggest that perhaps the written commentary (or letter) could be included with the secretary's records, along with correspondence, but not included in the minutes.  As Mr. Guest said, though, the senate is free to include pretty much whatever it wants to in the minutes.

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