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Board Member charged with making amotion

Guest stanferd

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I'm the chair, I have a member of the committee that made a motion it was seconded and motion was voted on and passed. The issue is that in out organization we can file charges if a member does wrong to the group. A member filed charges on the committee member that made the motion. I'm looking for in Robert's Rule of Order to find where this would be covered?

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I'm the chair, I have a member of the committee that made a motion it was seconded and motion was voted on and passed. The issue is that in out organization we can file charges if a member does wrong to the group. A member filed charges on the committee member that made the motion. I'm looking for in Robert's Rule of Order to find where this would be covered?

Disciplinary procedures are covered in Ch. XX of RONR, but if your bylaws have their own rules regarding discipline, those rules take precedence and must be followed. I assume there must more to this story, however, as making a motion is ordinarily not a cause for disciplinary action.

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In our bylaws there is nothing about making motions. I believe that anyone on the board can make any kind of motion based on the topic at hand. Since it was seconded it became the Boards motion. That it was voted on, and all voted for in favor of the motion. The issue was that the Secretary was out during the next board meeting. Secretary sent her minutes a month late. I had another board member send in there minutes and those where presented to the board for approval. That is the motion that was made to except the minutes before the committee.

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In our bylaws there is nothing about making motions. I believe that anyone on the board can make any kind of motion based on the topic at hand. Since it was seconded it became the Boards motion. That it was voted on, and all voted for in favor of the motion. The issue was that the Secretary was out during the next board meeting. Secretary sent her minutes a month late. I had another board member send in there minutes and those where presented to the board for approval. That is the motion that was made to except the minutes before the committee.

I'm no less confused than I was before. Who exactly has had charges filed against him, and for what? Your original post seemed to imply that charges had been filed against a member because he had made a motion, which makes very little sense. On the other hand, if this is not the case, then I don't understand how much of the information which has been posted is relevant to your question.

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I'm confused, too, Josh.  I'm wondering if this has to do with the fact that notes from someone other than the secretary were approved as the minutes of a meeting...and whether there is an allegation that this (or something in the minutes) is improper.  I'm at a loss as to how someone making a motion that was adopted by majority vote can be the basis of disciplinary action, but I guess it's possible, depending on what the motion was.

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motion was to except the minutes before the committee

So, to be clear, a member is filing charges for discipline against another member because he made a motion to approve the minutes?

This is absurd. There was nothing improper about a member other than the Secretary offering proposed minutes, especially considering that the Secretary had failed to do so. There was also nothing improper about another member offering a motion to approve those minutes. So far, it seems to me that the only person who has done anything wrong is the Secretary, for failing to submit the minutes in a timely manner.

Based upon the facts presented, if the rules in Ch. XX of RONR were controlling, I'd rule any motion to discipline a member for the motion to approve the minutes out of order. Since your rules apparently permit individual members to file charges, that may not be an option, but I certainly hope the assembly swiftly dismisses these charges.

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I think that charges need to be filed against the whole committee for passing the motion. The maker just made the motion, everyone else passed it. It would make as much or more sense than "charging" a member for making a motion, to except , accept, approve minutes no less.  If there was something incorrect in the minutes offered up by the member, the rest of the body can make corrections to those minutes. I think this one might have us all either steaming at the ridiculous nature of what seems to have transpired here...Or we are icing our jaws after they hit the ground too hard.

All of us are DYING to know..well at least I am. Just WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY did someone consider the board member making the motion to except, accept, approve the minutes to have injured the organization. 

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