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Amendments to Minutes Previously Approved

Guest Ellen

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We have recently discovered that a portion of a chairperson report from a meeting 5 months ago was omitted from our minutes in error when they were approved. We know that a motion and second is needed to amend the minutes, and that the record of the motion to amend is recorded in the minutes at the time it is approved. Shouldn't we also make a note in the minutes that are being corrected to note the correction that was made as of the date of the current motion?

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The amended minutes should not be altered but a note in the margin (indicating that they were amended on such-and-such a date) is appropriate.


Note that the motion to Amend Something Previously Adopted requires either a two-thirds vote, the affirmative vote of a majority of the (entire) membership, or, with previous notice, just a majority vote.


Note, too, that reports are usually not included in the minutes. They are simply received and filed.

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Thanks, this is a tremendous help. We have always included a synopsis of verbal committee reports so that our members are kept updated if they miss a meeting. I appreciate your quick response! 


Pass the job of a "synopsis" off on the Newsletter Editor.    The secretary will thank you, as he will then only have to record actual motions made and how they were disposed of.   You will have much shorter minutes then, too, to read and approve and the ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP will thank you as well.


Only the Newsletter Editor will be unhappy.  Too bad for him.

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