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majority vote no

Guest concerned volunteer

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Guest concerned volunteer

To be more clear. The vote was on a member trying to join again. All members are voted on for acceptance or denial by the board per bylaws. This member was voted to not be allowed to join again. Now the person is going to continue applying over and over again.

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Generally speaking, motions that have been rejected can be renewed (made again) at subsequent sessions so long as they remain applicable. I don't know what you mean, however, when you say that "This member was voted to not be allowed to join again." If a motion that he be admitted to membership was rejected, it can be renewed. If a motion that he not be allowed to join was adopted, then that's a different story.

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If such a motion was adopted, then, depending upon its exact wording, it may need to be either rescinded or amended in order to admit this person to membership. Motions to Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted are discussed in Section 35 of RONR, 11th ed.


In your original post, however, you say that you "recently voted on a matter with a majority vote of no." This indicates that the motion was rejected, not adopted.

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Yes, a motion was made that he would not be allowed to join.


I hope it wasn't phrased that way.


What was the exact language of the motion?


Was it something like, "I move that John Doe be admitted to the club"?


Or was it something like, "I move that John Doe be denied admission to the club"?


If it was the former and there were more "no" votes than "yes" votes, the motion was defeated, John Doe was not accepted. The motion can be made again at any subsequent meeting.


If it was the latter and there were more "no" votes than "yes" votes then nothing happens. You didn't vote to deny admission but that doesn't mean he was accepted. Which is why a motion should not be worded in the negative.

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Guest concerned volunteer

I am 2 states away from a copy of the minutes but it was more along the lines that all applications for membership were voted on individually. After all were voted on there was a motion along the lines of excepting what was voted on. Not word for word.

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