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Reversal of a Previous Vote

Guest Guest - VA

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In a recent meeting, a member was dismissed from an organization by majority vote (secret ballot), after a motion to "pass the box" was properly made, seconded, and approved, in accordance with our department's by-laws.  It is possible that some members or the organization may wish to reconsider the dismissal of the member.  My question is: what would be the proper process to nullify a vote such as this.  I assume that it would require at least one person from the prevailing side to call for the vote to be reconsidered.  Help!

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This is a bit tricky, mainly because possible steps depend strongly on the terms in your bylaws.


Certainly too late to "Reconsider".  But  "Rescind Something Previously Adopted" - p. 305 - might apply.  But it cannot be applied if the action called for in the previously adopted motion - the "dismissal" - has been carried out.  In this case there is nothing to "rescind" (or "nullify") - the deal is done  --  he is out.


If it has, and the person is (now) no longer a member, about all he can do is apply for membership, following the requirements found in your bylaws.    You are on your own, there.

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