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Guest Connie

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According to  RONR, only the members of the body which was meeting.... in this case board members.... have the right to inspect the minutes of such a meeting.  That is so regardless of whether they were present at the meeting in question.    However, if this organization is incorporated, you might check your state's non profit corporation laws.  Such laws sometimes have statutory provisions regarding the right of members to access the records of the corporation.

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However, if this organization is incorporated, you might check your state's non profit corporation laws.  Such laws sometimes have statutory provisions regarding the right of members to access the records of the corporation.


You need to add my disclaimer line to your signature.  Save you a ton of typing.

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You need to add my disclaimer line to your signature.  Save you a ton of typing.

It's too easy for people to overlook it or discount it if it's in a hard to read signature line in small, light blue type ... sort of like the fine print in online agreements that nobody bothers to read.  There are a few things that are so often subject to state law provisions that I would rather point them out in my answer itself.  I'm a fast typist... faster than any secretary I've ever had.   I don't mind.  It keeps my typing skills honed, too.   :)


But, just in the way of a CYA type thing, I might add it to my signature line, too. I do appreciate the suggestion.

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