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Voting procedure

Guest Commodore

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I am Commodore of a very small boating club in Indianapolis, IN.  Our By-Laws require 2/3's of a "yes" vote for a member to be elevated to the governing body.We recently voted on a member with the following results:
50 votes were cast.  33 "yes" and 17 "no" votes.  In doing the math, the outcome showed that two-thirds of 50 is 33.333333.   Being taught that any number below a .5 should be rounded down, it was ruled the "yes" total was then 33.  The individual was voted in, as a result.
However, more research into Roberts Rules discovered a chart that clearly states that in a vote of 50 votes, 34 votes is needed to be two-thirds.   That chart is rounding up from .3333.
Did we make the wrong decision?  Hoping for a reply which will settle this once and for all.
Thank you,
Bud VanDyne
White River Yacht Club

“Make each day your masterpiece.” ~John Wooden 
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In doing the math, the outcome showed that two-thirds of 50 is 33.333333.   Being taught that any number below a .5 should be rounded down, it was ruled the "yes" total was then 33.  The individual was voted in, as a result.

You were taught the right method for rounding, but you apparently weren't taught when to round.  It's only appropriate in a limited number of circumstances, and this is not one of them.    Neither is the situation where you owe me $33.34, and you only want to pay me $33.00.


Since 33 votes is less than 33.33333, and 34 is greater than 33.333, it follows that 33 votes are not enough and 34 votes are enough.  No rounding needed.


So yes, you made the wrong decision.  Next time you'll know better.  Too late to fix it now.

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