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Out of order board member

Guest April

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Ok, here I go again. We have a board member that has totally stirred up the membership with information that is not correct.  He called a special Non-official meeting of the membership to discuss spending and has totally taken what was said at our regular monthly meeting out of context.  I guess I would call him a renegade. He did not go through the board with this nor did he talk to most of the board members about what he planned to do.  My question:  is there something in RRO that could be used to bring this guy to attention.  He has really caused a split in the membership with mis-information and has even gone as far as to accuse our treasurer of being deceitful which could not be further from the truth..

As always, thanks for you help.


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Get a copy of RONR and read chapter XX carefully.  That's the chapter on discipline.... 26 pages of detailed procedures.  You can get it at most good bookstores, from Amazon and from NAP (National Association of Parliamentarians), among others.   http://www.robertsrules.com/book.html


And review your organization's bylaws to see what provisions, if any, are provided for regarding discipline..... suspension, expulsion, etc.

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