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School Board President

Guest Brenda Bueche

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Is the President/Chair of a school board allowed to make sub-motions??

I'm not entirely certain what is meant by "sub-motions," but FAQ #1 should be of assistance. Although the question refers to the chairman voting, the answer also discusses the chairman speaking in debate and making motions.

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By Sub-motion, I mean a motion was made by one board member and the president made a substitute motion to the original motion.  Another board member stated that they did not think the president could make a substitute motion, bascially overriding the original motion if the substitute motion were to pass.  I appreciate and thank you in advance for your feedback.

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By Sub-motion, I mean a motion was made by one board member and the president made a substitute motion to the original motion.  Another board member stated that they did not think the president could make a substitute motion, bascially overriding the original motion if the substitute motion were to pass.  I appreciate and thank you in advance for your feedback.

Well, FAQ #1 should answer your question about whether the President can make motions, if that's the issue.

If the issue is about the motion itself, it is in order to move to substitute one motion for another. This is a form of amendment.

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If the president of the school board (by virtue of small board rules or applicable statutes) is permitted to make motions, this would apply to amendments as well.  


An amendment in the nature of a substitute is still an amendment, and must be moved like any amendment, and adopted by a majority in order to substitute the new language for the old as the new pending question.


So your question is essentially whether your president can participate in debate, make motions, and vote.  If your school board is a public body, this is very likely a question of law, and should be addressed to the board attorney.

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