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Voting Confusion/ Repealing Board decision


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Board members dissolved the specific committee as the committee was over performing. The Board chair didn't like this and apparently asked for voting in the Board meeting to dissolve. Utter confusion prevailed and the Chair fo the Committee was asked to stay away and the committee dissolved. Thereafter same time, the EC was dissolved upon request from the same committee board members. Voting was done and there was confusion which 2 people acknowledge, he didn't understand Yes was No and No was Yes- So he voted unfavourable. 

My question is can this be repealed and what could be the course of action? Can Voting be done. Also due to all this confusion, the EC members became only board members. Appreciate for your reply.



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5 minutes ago, Hieu H. Huynh said:

Are you asking about the executive committee? What do your bylaws say about the committee? How are members elected to it?

The board chair asked to dissolve the standing committees such as HR committee ( of 4) as it was over performing and the chair didn't like it. Chair of HR Committee was also in the Executive committee as Secretary. Thereafter, the other members asked to dissolve the Executive Committee ( 4 members) and reelect the Chair and other executive members. Confusion prevailed for the voting procedure. Apparently, two of the members took decision " NO " as " YES " and voted unfavourably re-electing the Chair.  It was because 8 votes out of 10 in total excluding the vice chair. So it was a tie 4 and 4. Vice chair then voted and instead of saying" no" due to confusion said " yes" to reelect the Chair. Thereafter he admitted that it was due to confusion.
Can it be repealed or voting done again? 

The members are from public and the board members are selected from the members of the public. Its a non-profit.

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12 minutes ago, Hieu H. Huynh said:

Do your bylaws give the board the power to dissolve these committees? Who elected them originally?

It gives power to the board to dissolve any special committee or advisory committee. The exact wording is " The Board may, by resolution, dissolve any Special Committee or Advisory Committee at any time."

As I understand the standing committee and Special committee are two different things. One is permanent and other is temporarily created for some special/advisory purpose.

The members were nominated by the board for specific committees.



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12 hours ago, Gary Novosielski said:

Maybe it can't, but the rules about that would be in your bylaws.  Are the standing committees established in your bylaws, or were they established by ordinary main motions?  By whom?  The board?  The general membership/


The standing committees were established as per by law.

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19 hours ago, Ellivdoow said:

No to dissolve the standing committees such as hr committee, audit committee. Can the standing committee be dissolved?



7 hours ago, Ellivdoow said:

The standing committees were established as per by law.

I have to ask, since it might be immaterial, but on the other hand, it might be crucial:

1.  What does it mean for someone to have over performed?

2.  What do you mean by "EC"?  (Often it means "Executive Committee," but there are other possibilities.  Please, Ellivdoow, which is it?)

3.  Similarly, what do you mean by "HR"?  (I usually take that to mean "Human Resources," but Ellivdoow, please nail this down.)


But, Ellivdoow:  notwithstanding that I think that your answers to these questions will be illuminating, I think I will stick my neck out and with perhaps imprudent confidence say that, since the standing committees were established per by law, those committees cannot be dissolved other than by amending the bylaws to end them.

(Hieu, are we on the same page?  Are we drowning glug glug on the same page [mixed metaphor]?)



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