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Committee Actions

Guest Craig Bare

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Ok, so I will provide a little more information.  So a volunteer fire company has an employment board that over sees career staff.  That board made a change to their schedule several years ago which has resulted in a possible case for back pay.  Without consulting the company, the board decided to send letters to said employees, requesting their signatures, to the fact that they would not pursue back pay.  This could result in several thousand dollars being spent, and a possible lawsuit.  This decision was made without bringing before the company for approval.  No where in any of our by-laws does it say they have the power to make such decisions.  Could this result in charges being brought against these committee/board members?

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Our by-laws have nothing written as to them having any powers.  All it says is the Employment Board will consist of the President, 1st VP, Chief, EMS Captain, & Treasurer.  Our Executive Board that governs the membership has authority to make small purchases and conduct company business, however everything is pretty much brought back to the company for approval.  This letter was done, with nothing brought to the membership.

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3 hours ago, Guest Craig Bare said:

Ok, so I will provide a little more information.  So a volunteer fire company has an employment board that over sees career staff.  That board made a change to their schedule several years ago which has resulted in a possible case for back pay.  Without consulting the company, the board decided to send letters to said employees, requesting their signatures, to the fact that they would not pursue back pay.  This could result in several thousand dollars being spent, and a possible lawsuit.  This decision was made without bringing before the company for approval.  No where in any of our by-laws does it say they have the power to make such decisions.  Could this result in charges being brought against these committee/board members?

Where is this "committee"?  It sounds like you're talking about the board, but it's not clear if you're talking about the employment board, and whether this is actually a board or in the nature of a committee.

A board has only the powers granted to it in the bylaws. 

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