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Lossof a quorum in a meeting

Guest Gretchen

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What are the steps the chair uses to properly adjourn a meeting once a quorum is loss? Once he/she realizes a quorum is loss  does he/she then have to state this fact and then entertain a motion to either adjourn, or do one of the other three actions permissible in the absence of a quorum? Can he just assume a motion to adjourn?  

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If the chair observes that a quorum is no longer present, he is obligated to make that known to the assembly and to see that no attempt is made to conduct any substantive business while a quorum is not present. The assembly can, in the absence of a quorum, move to recess, to adjourn, or to fix the time to which to adjourn (i.e., set the time and place of an adjourned meeting in order to continue the business of the current meeting). They can also takes steps to obtain a quorum - for example making calls to encourage absent members to come to the meeting.

Given that adjourning is only one of the several options available to the assembly, it would not be appropriate for the chair to assume a motion to adjourn.

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I'd imagine that in certain circumstances the chair could get unanimous consent to adjourn?

EDIT: In other words, the chair could say something like "There is no longer a quorum. If there is no objection, we will adjourn. (pause) Hearing no objection..."

Edited by Benjamin Geiger
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