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Membership roll call

Guest Todd

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A roll call of members is not required by RONR, but as a practical matter, you will have to somehow identify who the voting members are. Sometimes this is done simply by segregating the seating areas with the guests being seated separately from the members. Your organization can determine how to accomplish this, just as with ascertaining whether a quorum is present.

As to the 75% vote requirement, exactly what do the bylaws say about that requirement? Is it 75% of the vote? 75% of the members present? 75% of the total membership? Unless your bylaws specify otherwise, it would be based only on the members voting.

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I think the question is whether the 3/4 requirement is 3/4 of those present and voting, or 3/4 of the entire membership. The former can be done with a division of the assembly (if it's not obvious from the voice vote). The latter requires a counted vote of some sort, along with knowledge of the number of members, but not necessarily a roll call.

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Candidates for associate pastors, ministerial staff and other professional paid staff members shall be recommended to the church body by the Elder Board. The recommendation will be confirmed by a 3/4 vote of the church members at a constitutionally called business meeting. Candidates will be recommended by the senior pastor to the Elder Board. Any members of the church body may make a recommendation of a potential candidate.

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1 hour ago, Guest Todd said:

Candidates for associate pastors, ministerial staff and other professional paid staff members shall be recommended to the church body by the Elder Board. The recommendation will be confirmed by a 3/4 vote of the church members at a constitutionally called business meeting. Candidates will be recommended by the senior pastor to the Elder Board. Any members of the church body may make a recommendation of a potential candidate.


1 hour ago, Joshua Katz said:

While only your organization can interpret your bylaws, I would personally interpret that as a 3/4 vote of those present and voting - i.e. "3/4 vote" tells us the threshold, and "of the church members" tells us who may vote.  But I recognize the ambiguity.

In my opinion, the provision is ambiguous and it is up to the society itself to interpret the meaning of that provision.

My initial impression, after first reading the provision, was that guest Todd is correct and the requirement is for a vote of 3/4 of the members present. However, upon further reflection, I think my judgment was too hasty and I tend to agree with Mr. Katz.

The default definition in RONR is that a 3/4 vote of the members means 3/4 of those present and voting. In order to require that the vote be a vote of three-fourths of the members present, the bylaws must be clear and unambiguous. The provision should read "by a vote of three-fourths of the members present" if that is what is intended. Saying "by a three-fourths vote of the members present" is not the same thing and creates the ambiguity.

I am on my cell phone now, but as soon as I get on a computer I will post a link or the actual verbage from RONR regarding vote thresholds. That is, unless someone else posts it first. The difference in terminology is very subtle, but it is very important and has important ramifications.

Edited by Richard Brown
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