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amendments to bylaws

Guest Seth Teles

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A motion was made at a meeting of the entire assembly to amend the bylaws and passed. Later it was discovered that the bylaws state that any amendment must be discussed and voted on by the executive board and due notice (10 days) be given before the assembly meeting before an amendment can be voted on. Was the amendment proper and does it stand? 

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Well, it sure sounds like the procedure for amending the bylaws found in the bylaws was not followed, although it may be a matter of bylaw interpretation for your organization to decide. If the procedures in the bylaws for their amendment are not followed, the bylaws are not validly amended, any more than your bylaws can be changed if I hold a meeting of my friends and decide to do so, so the real question is precisely what the bylaws require.

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I'm assuming that since you are asking the question that the amendment wasn't considered and voted on by the Board and/or the 10 day notice wasn't given.  If that is the case then the amendment is null and void (RONR p. 251 a,e).

Edited by Chris Harrison
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