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executive board

Guest Diane U

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"A society has no executive board, nor can its officers act as a board, except as the bylaws may provide; and when so established, the board has only such power as is delegated to it by the bylaws or by vote of the society's assembly referring individual matters to it. The amount of regular power delegated to an executive board under the bylaws varies considerably from one organization to another."  RONR (11th ed.), p. 482

It varies so considerably it's impossible to answer your question with anything other than this passage from RONR.

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Guest Who's Coming to Dinner

I think we can outline the function of an executive board in general:

t is generally found advisable to provide in the bylaws for a board to be empowered to act for the society when necessary between its regular meetings, and in some cases to have complete control over certain phases of the society's business.
RONR(11th ed.), p. 481, l. 17–21

In an ordinary society, the board makes decisions and takes action on behalf of the membership. The extent of its power, determined by the bylaws and particular instructions, will be tailored to the circumstances of the society.

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This provision from the sample bylaws on page 578 is rather typical of what many bylaws say about the executive board (or Board of Directors):

The Executive Board
Section 1. Board Composition. The officers of the Society, including the Directors, shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2. Board's Duties and Powers. The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society between its business meetings, fix the hour and place of meetings, make recommendations to the Society, and perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws.
Section 3. Board Meetings. Unless otherwise ordered by the Board, regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month from [page 587] September to June, inclusive. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of three members of the Board."

RONR gives more information regarding providing for an executive board in the bylaws and suggested wording for giving the board varying amounts of power on pages 576-578.  If your organization is considering creating an executive board, it might be worth reading those provisions. You have great latitude as to how much power the board is given, but the language in the sample bylaws is rather common and should suffice for most organizations.

Regarding the power of most executive boards vs the membership, you might read Official Interpretations 2006-12 and 2006-13 here: http://www.robertsrules.com/interp_list.html#2006_12

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