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Motion Not Acted Upon

Guest RAGA

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Does the motion state which officer (or member) is to videotape the meeting and which is to post it on the Web site?  If so, then the Chair should order that officer (or member) to do so.  If the motion does not state which officer (or member) is to videotape the meeting and which is to post it to the Web site, then another motion could be made and adopted to do exactly that.  In any case, it's up to the Chair and other members of the Executive Board to see that the action is accomplished.  The most important job of management is to follow-up on the actions decided.

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13 hours ago, Guest RAGA said:

A Motion was made and seconded, then passed by the Board.  The action was that all Board Meetings would be video taped and put on the HOA website within three days.  A year  later and this is not being doing.  How can the owners get the Board to enforce this motion.

Elect new board members who will get it done. Or discipline those responsible for not getting it done.

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