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Questions during unit owner's meeting

Guest Barbara Dessureau

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Minutes record what was done, not what was said.

As Dr. Stackpole said, you could have made a motion to include this in the minutes.

You are correct that the owners who weren't there would probably want to know the question and the answer. But the minutes are not the best method for that to occur. A newsletter has been suggested, and that makes sense to me.

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1 minute ago, Guest capital reserve amount said:

What if the questions are concerns of unit owners pertaining to a large investment--paving of roads involving nearly the entire capital reserve amount--that the board did not address in their presentation?

I can understand why you all might want those concerns in the minutes but the minutes are there to reflect what was done at the meeting not what was said/asked.  However, as was mentioned above the owners can adopt a motion ordering that information be included in the minutes.  Another option if the owners want some action taken regarding the concerns a motion can be made proposing whatever action the owner(s) deem appropriate.  That motion (as finally put before the assembly) would be included in the minutes.

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34 minutes ago, Guest capital reserve amount said:

What if the questions are concerns of unit owners pertaining to a large investment--paving of roads involving nearly the entire capital reserve amount--that the board did not address in their presentation?

Agreeing with the previous answers,  the minutes are a record of what was DONE at a meeting, not what was SAID.  However, if the assembly decides that it wants something of that nature included in the minutes, it has several ways of doing so: 

1. By adopting a motion to include it in the minutes before the meeting adjourns.

2. By unanimous consent at that meeting

3. By means of a correction to the minutes at the time of their approval

4. By amending the minutes later to include the exchange

5. By adopting a special rule of order that the minutes of all meetings shall contain all "questions and answers".... or whatever.

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