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Rule change voting threshold

John Goodwin

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A rule states that "No alteration of these rules shall be made unless approved by a two thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote". Presumably this means that if there are 100 persons present at the meeting who are eligible to vote, then 67 must vote in favour for the rule change to take effect. Anyone who abstains from voting will, in effect, be counted as a vote against. Is my understanding correct? Thank you.

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That's how I read your rule.

A language quibble or two: 

"two thirds majority" is a tad infelicitous; better to say "two thirds vote".

An abstainer really isn't "counted as a vote against.".  He isn't "counted" at all since he didn't do anything (i.e., vote) to be counted.   Better to note that the abstainer just didn't contribute to the 2/3 vote needed for adoption.  As you note that is "in effect" a "no" vote, but it is a virtual one, and only because of your "2/3 of everybody" rule.

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"Voting requirements based on the number of members present—a majority of those present, two thirds of those present, etc.—while possible, are generally undesirable. Since an abstention in such cases has the same effect as a negative vote, these bases deny members the right to maintain a neutral position by abstaining. For the same reason, members present who fail to vote through indifference rather than through deliberate neutrality may affect the result negatively. When such a vote is required, however, the chair must count those present immediately after the affirmative vote is taken, before any change can take place in attendance."  RONR (11th ed.), p. 403

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17 hours ago, John Goodwin said:

A rule states that "No alteration of these rules shall be made unless approved by a two thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote". Presumably this means that if there are 100 persons present at the meeting who are eligible to vote, then 67 must vote in favour for the rule change to take effect. Anyone who abstains from voting will, in effect, be counted as a vote against. Is my understanding correct? Thank you.


Abstentions are not counted.

They may have the same effect on the outcome as a No vote, but they are still not votes at all.

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