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authority of non profit President

Guest J.D. Daniels

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 Almost all rulings of the chair may be overruled by a majority vote on an appeal from the ruling of the chair. The only exception is when the appeal is clearly frivolous or dilatory and there can be no other reasonable interpretation.

Edited by Richard Brown
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6 hours ago, Guest J.D. Daniels said:

 Can the membership of a non profit organization over rule a President's decision to table a motion on the floor with a call of  two thirds (2/3) of the voting membership present at a duly advertised meeting?

The President has no authority to make a decision of this nature. Adopting a motion to lay on the table requires a majority vote for adoption. (The two motions that Lay on the Table is often confused with - Postpone to a Certain Time and Postpone Indefinitely - also require a majority vote and are debatable.) If the chair claims that he has “tabled” a motion on his own authority, a member can and should raise a Point of Order that the chair lacks the authority to do so and, if necessary, Appeal from the chair’s ruling on that point. A majority vote is sufficient to overturn the chair’s ruling.

Edited by Josh Martin
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