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Motions amended

Guest Kevin

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When an organization wants to create a new policy and the policy has been sent out to memebers 3 months in advance so that said policy can be voted on; can that policy be ammended and changed and voted on at the same meeting or does the change need to be given to memebers 3 months proir to voting?

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Since you are creating a new policy I would lean towards you having to give the 3 months notice for any proposed changes to the proposed policy.  However, you may want to check out RONR p. 122 ll. 21-29 and  pp. 307-308 regarding scope of notice just in case it may apply in your case.

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The answer depends at least in part on what your own bylaws and rules say about amending policies and enacting new policies. It also depends on whether these "policies" are in the nature of standing rules or special Rules of Order.

Can you be more specific as to the exact nature of these policies and also tell us what your own by laws and rules say about enacting and amending policies? Be sure to mention any requirement for previous notice. Please quote those provisions verbatim, don't paraphrase.

The degree to which a proposed policy or policy change can be amended on the floor depends upon the requirements of your rules and the exact nature of any proposed amendments from the floor.

RONR does not require previous notice to enact or amend standing rules. Adopting or amending special Rules of Order requires either previous notice and a two-thirds Vote or, without previous notice, the vote of a majority of the entire membership.

Providing us with more information will enable us to help you better.

Edited to add:  although amending ordinary standing rules does not require previous notice, giving previous notice of an amendment lowers the vote threshold to a majority vote. Without previous notice, amending a standing rule requires a 2/3 vote or the vote of a majority of the entire membership. See pages 15-18 and also page  306 of RONR. 


Edited by Richard Brown
Added last paragraph and corrected typo
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new motions will not be introduced for a vote at these meetings.  All motions must be approved by official board prior to the meeting and will not be introduced from the floor.  This insures that thorough and proper consideration and research will be given to those motions prior to the meeting.  If a motion doesnt carry, it will go back to the board for reworking, and another meeting will be called to vote on that new motion.

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