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Guest loreen

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Be careful what you wish for -- depending on what sort of organization you are in, emergencies can pop up between the time the agenda items are specified and the time of the meeting when emergency action could otherwise be taken.

Also, just WHO is going to decide what items go on the agenda?  Is there any mechanism for membership review before the agenda is concreteized? Can the agenda writer (the president, perhaps) exercise a veto of member's wishes?  Any appeal?  To whom?  How? 

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Guest Loreen, I agree with Dr. Stackpole and was just about to start my post with the exact same six words that he started his with... until I saw that he beat me to the punch!  In my experience, such a rule usually turns out to be a very bad idea, despite the fact that at the time of its adoption everybody thinks it is a perfectly good rule.  The members just aren't really thinking things through or are having a knee-jerk reaction to something that happened which they don't like.  The the law of unintended consequences rears its ugly head and you are stuck with a bad situation. 

There needs to be some allowance for genuine emergencies and for taking action on something that almost everyone (or maybe even EVERYONE) agrees must be dealt with asap, but your "no exceptions" rule is preventing the society from dealing with it.

Come up with a high vote threshold for adding something to the agenda if you must, but please think twice before adopting a rule that ONLY items which are on the agenda prior to the meeting can be taken up.

btw, if you aren't talking about amending the agenda at the meeting but rather some members who just want to start yakking about something which isn't on the agenda, that is already pretty much prohibited.  You just need the chair to enforce the rules. 

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