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No nominations for Secretary

Guest Home&School

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We have no nominations for recording or corresponding secretary.  Our blylaws state we need a secretary, treasurer and president as a minimum.  We do have two people running for co-president.  Can one of them still be president but also be secretary? TIA

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Generally, there is no prohibition on one person holding two offices (however, they only get one vote). However, it is very difficult for one person to be the presiding officer and also perform the duties of secretary. Secretary and Treasurer are often combined.

And stay tuned for one or multiple posts about the inadvisability of having co-officers such as co-presidents.

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3 minutes ago, Bruce Lages said:

If your bylaws say you need a president, then you cannot just decide to have co-presidents. The use of 'a' clearly specifies one individual and only one.

Well, the OP also says "at a minimum." I'm not sure what the situation is without seeing the bylaw provision.

In any case, I'm not sure why a person who didn't run for Secretary would be willing to do the job anyway. Put another way, if one of these individuals is willing to be Secretary, why didn't he have someone nominate him for that office?


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12 hours ago, Gary Novosielski said:


Our bylaws state all positions (except treasurer) can be held with another person.

What do we do if we have a treasurer and co presidents, but no secretary nominations?  Just keep advertising it until the date the new board takes over?  Could someone at the meeting or on the board take the minutes (duties of recording secretary) until we get one?  The bylaws state we need a minumim of three (including secretary)... hence my concern.

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1 minute ago, Guest Home&School said:

Could someone at the meeting or on the board take the minutes (duties of recording secretary) until we get one? 

Yes, such a person would be a secretary pro tem. 


2 minutes ago, Guest Home&School said:

Just keep advertising it until the date the new board takes over?

I think so. Or approach people directly and ask them if they'd be willing to serve - sometimes people don't answer a general solicitation, but will agree if asked.

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Section 1: 

The Executive Committee of the Department shall consist, at a minimum, of President, Treasurer, and Secretary (this position may be split into Recording and Corresponding positions). Other officer positions may be added as deemed necessary by the Home and School. There must be a minimum of three Officers. The members of the Executive Committee will serve until their successors are elected or appointed.  An Officer must have a child enrolled in the School of Reference for each fiscal year during which they serve. Offices may be held jointly, with the exception of Treasurer. One person should not act as president at more than one Department unless there is an extenuating circumstance, in which case the matter should be brought to the MCC Board for review and approval. Turnover on the Boards is encouraged in order to facilitate parent engagement. The principal shall serve as a consultant to the Board. 



Section 1: 

A nominating chair, will be appointed by the President. Open nominations will be announced via e-mail. Written nominations will be accepted by the nominating chair, by email only, until the next General Home and School meeting. This process may begin as early as February. If members wish to run as “co” officers, this decision must be reflected in the submitted nomination, and the nominating chair must confirm the decision with both candidates. The nominating chair shall submit to the Executive Committee a list of candidates for each of the elected offices. Nominees will be read at the next month’s meeting and any discussions can be presented at that time.

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3 minutes ago, Guest Home&School said:

The members of the Executive Committee will serve until their successors are elected or appointed.


3 minutes ago, Guest Home&School said:

An Officer must have a child enrolled in the School of Reference for each fiscal year during which they serve.

It appears that, so long as the current Secretary continues to fulfill the requirements in the second quote, that person will continue to serve if you are unable to elect a new Secretary, at least until you elect one.

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