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Can a person hold 2 positions on a board

Guest Elizabeth

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We have a new president for our HOA Board.   She was holding the title of Treasurer but ran for president and wonn the election for a president.

She takes office in January (today) according to our Bylaws. A new treasure was found to replace her that board voted on tonight but the VP is objecting to this and saying she (the newly elected president ) can hold 2 positions 


Could somebody please advise where in Roberts Rules of Order that a board member hold 2 positions at the same time


Thank you so much as this is one big mess !!


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There is nothing in RONR stating that a person cannot hold 2 positions at one time. Therefore, RONR does not prohibit it. (But your rules might, check them.) 

I'm unclear on what the objection is, though. She can hold both positions, but does she want to?

In any event, note that a person holding two board positions still has only one vote.

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16 minutes ago, Guest Elizabeth said:

We have a new president for our HOA Board.   She was holding the title of Treasurer but ran for president and wonn the election for a president.

She takes office in January (today) according to our Bylaws. A new treasure was found to replace her that board voted on tonight but the VP is objecting to this and saying she (the newly elected president ) can hold 2 positions 


Could somebody please advise where in Roberts Rules of Order that a board member hold 2 positions at the same time


Thank you so much as this is one big mess !!


Holding two positions at once does not violate any rule in RONR, however it might conflict with the rules in your bylaws, so you'll need to check there.  One problem that can occur is that, depending on how your quorum requirements are stated in the bylaws, having fewer members on the board might create problems.

Remember, if one person holds two offices, they are still only one person, and count as one member for quorum counting, and one vote for vote counting.

Edited by Gary Novosielski
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20 hours ago, Guest Elizabeth said:

Could somebody please advise where in Roberts Rules of Order that a board member hold 2 positions at the same time

p. 440, lines 3-17 describe the process by which one person can be elected to more than one office. Pay particular attention to lines 9-17 which state how it can be done if all the elections are done on a single ballot. While the section may make it seem that one person cannot be elected to more than one office, it is only saying that this cannot happen on a single ballot and makes clear that "The assembly is free ... to elect the same person to another office ... unless the bylaws prohibit a person from holding both offices simultaneously."

As well, p. 407, lines 4-6 is the reference for the fact that one person is entitled to one -- and only one -- vote "even if a person is elected or appointed to more than one position, each of which would entitle the holder to a vote."

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