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Advance notice for amending a proposal?


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Hello all. Our congregation's bylaws require 15 days advance notice of an amendment that will be voted on in a general membership meeting.  A member is circulating a proposed amendment to the amendment, and the response so far has been that the amended proposal would need another 15 days notice. Is this the case?  Should the membership be able to vote on an amendment to the amendment without this notice?  I'm sorry that I can't consult my copy of RONR, but I'm sheltering in place in a different state. I'm sure you all understand. Thanks in advance.

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2 minutes ago, simcha said:

Hello all. Our congregation's bylaws require 15 days advance notice of an amendment that will be voted on in a general membership meeting.  A member is circulating a proposed amendment to the amendment, and the response so far has been that the amended proposal would need another 15 days notice. Is this the case?  Should the membership be able to vote on an amendment to the amendment without this notice?  I'm sorry that I can't consult my copy of RONR, but I'm sheltering in place in a different state. I'm sure you all understand. Thanks in advance.

Per the rules in RONR, if proper notice of a proposed bylaw amendment has been given, that proposed amendment, when it is up for debate, may indeed be amended, but with one caveat:  the proposed "new" amendment  must be within the scope of the original proposed amendment. 

For  example, assume the dollar amount of your dues is specified in the bylaws as $50 per year.  Assume further that the proposed bylaw amendment is to increase the dues to $75 per year.  Once that bylaw amendment is on the floor, it may be amended to specify any amount BETWEEN the current $50 per year the the proposed $75 per year.  So, a proposal to amend it to provide for  new dues of $60 is within the "scope" of the original proposal and would be in order.  However, a proposal to reduce the dues to less than $50 or to increase them to more than $75 exceeds the scope of the original proposal and would be out of order.

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Thank you for the quick response. The amendment concerns the term of office for president. The amendment already sent to the congregation allows the president to serve 2 years (up from 1 year) and to run for re-election (this part is not new). The proposed amendment to the amendment requires that if the president runs for re-election, it would require a 2/3 vote for election. This to me seems out of the original scope, according to what you've said -- do you agree?  Thanks!


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1 minute ago, simcha said:

Thank you for the quick response. The amendment concerns the term of office for president. The amendment already sent to the congregation allows the president to serve 2 years (up from 1 year) and to run for re-election (this part is not new). The proposed amendment to the amendment requires that if the president runs for re-election, it would require a 2/3 vote for election. This to me seems out of the original scope, according to what you've said -- do you agree?  Thanks!


If the effect of the original proposed bylaw amendment is simply to change the term of office from one year to two years, then I agree with your assessment.  It is my understanding that the option to serve two terms is not changing, or at least not as originally proposed.

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35 minutes ago, simcha said:

Thank you for the quick response. The amendment concerns the term of office for president. The amendment already sent to the congregation allows the president to serve 2 years (up from 1 year) and to run for re-election (this part is not new). The proposed amendment to the amendment requires that if the president runs for re-election, it would require a 2/3 vote for election. This to me seems out of the original scope, according to what you've said -- do you agree?  Thanks!

I agree that this amendment is out of scope. Therefore, it is correct that the member would need to provide 15 days of notice of this amendment.

I would also suggest that this amendment is not germane to the question of whether the term of office for the President is one or two years. So this should be handled as a separate amendment to the bylaws, not as an amendment to the motion concerning the term of office.

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