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Making a Motion and Voting No

Guest T_Call

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I witnessed this in a recent local government meeting: 

Person A makes a motion to appoint someone to a position. 
Person B seconds the motion. 
The vote then goes to verbal yeas and nays. During voting, Person B then votes nay for the appointment. 
Wouldn’t Person B’s seconding of the motion be an affirmation to appoint?  Wouldn’t Person B’s vote of nay be in direct conflict with his seconding the motion?

Thanks for your input. 

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1 minute ago, Guest T_Call said:

Wouldn’t Person B’s seconding of the motion be an affirmation to appoint?  Wouldn’t Person B’s vote of nay be in direct conflict with his seconding the motion?


"A second merely implies that the seconder agrees that the motion should come before the meeting and not that he necessarily favors the motion. A member may second a motion (even if using the word "support" as indicated above) because he would like to see the assembly go on record as rejecting the proposal, if he believes a vote on the motion would have such a result." (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 36)

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Your topic title is "Making a Motion and Voting No" (emphasis added), but your question is about seconding the motion and voting no. Just to cover both possibilities, I will add that it also is perfectly acceptable for the maker of the motion to vote against it, although he or she may not speak against it. (The restriction on speaking against the motion applies only to the maker, not the seconder. The seconder is free to do so.)

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