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Amend Something Previously Adopted

Mark Apodaca, PRP

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I have Motion Script Cards and the popular Parliamentary Motions - Quick Reference card. I found them to be different.

This has to do with the topic above and here are the differences:

Script Card

Cannot interrupt the speaker

Not debatable

2/3 without prior notice

Not amendable


Quick Reference Card

Cannot interrupt the speaker

Requires a second


2/3 without prior notice



How I see it

Delegate makes a motion to amend the agenda which passed yesterday.


Opened for debate

Can Amend (becomes a primary amendment)

Vote - 2/3 required to pass

Am I correct with the process?

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I did check RONR 12th edition before JJ's response.  I was in the middle of the second day of a virtual conference (two more days to go) and ASPA was brought up.  I gave the correct information but after seeing the script card, I began to wonder whether ASPA has a similar process as Previous Question.  You need to pass Previous Question before you vote on the Main Motion.  Because of the script card, which stated no debate and cannot be amended, I began to wonder if I needed to pass ASPA first before going into debating the motion which was previously adopted.  


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If your Script Card says what you say it says for the motion Amend Something Previously Adopted, throw away your Script Cards.

This motion is a main motion. Debate on it can go into the merits of the question which it proposes to amend, but the question which it proposes to amend is not itself pending before the assembly.

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Regarding the same topic, in 2018 there was a resolution to name the month of April "Deaf History Month".  It passed during the 2018 conference.  Now, for 2020, a different resolution is on the table to rename March 15 to April 15 "Deaf History Month".  As we know, a resolution is a motion.  The 2020 resolution is out of order.  If they want to change the date, they should use ASPA.  

ASPA has no time limits.  Can be used any time no matter how far back.


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47 minutes ago, Mark Apodaca said:

Of course, if it has been acted upon, it cannot be amended.  If it has not been acted on, it can be amended.



Well, I would say that nothing can be done about any "Deaf History Months" that have already been observed based on the original  resolution, but I would say the prior resolution can definitely be amended to apply to future "Deaf History Months".

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7 hours ago, Mark Apodaca said:

Regarding the same topic, in 2018 there was a resolution to name the month of April "Deaf History Month".  It passed during the 2018 conference.  Now, for 2020, a different resolution is on the table to rename March 15 to April 15 "Deaf History Month".  As we know, a resolution is a motion.  The 2020 resolution is out of order.  If they want to change the date, they should use ASPA. 

I seem to recall this coming up in a different thread (that I cannot find). As I recall, the 2018 resolution was abut lobbying for the government to designate "Deaf History Month." Without seeing the exact wording of the two motions/resolutions, it's hard to say whether the 2020 resolution is out of order.

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Thank you all for your support, advise, and comments.  The last part of the session ran smoothly.  

I think it will be very educational if I write an article for NAP's National Parliamentarian related to being a parliamentarian for deaf related organizations.



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