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voting strength

Guest Judy Bailey

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RONR does not use "voting strength " and I am not completely sure what you mean.

RONR does have a related concept quorum, business can only be done if a quorum is present (some exceptions) so when members leave the quorum can get lost.

See paragraph 40 of RONR (12th edition) 

But as written before in your organization it may be about something different, what do your bylaws say about it?

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1 hour ago, Guest Judy Bailey said:

At the beginning of a meeting we count the number of eligible voters to establish the voting strength for the meeting.  Can that number change as people vacate the meeting?  If so, do we stop the meeting to establish a new number?

As stated above, the usual standard to adopt a motion is a majority of those present and voting, as @J. J. put it, "a majority of the votes cast," so the number in attendance is not an issue, as long as it meets the requirement for quorum.

Does your organization use a different denominator? If so, then you should review RONR (12th ed.) 44:7 - 44:10

Some require a majority of those present. If your organization does that, pay particular attention to 44:9(a)

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