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Board member resignation

Guest erclough1949@yahoo.com

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Same question.  In our case, the bylaws do not address how resignations are handled (by executive board or association).  They only say the executive board fills a vacancy occurring in any office.  If the bylaws are silent, what body handles the resignation (whether by unanimous consent or by vote)?

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Same question.  In our case, the bylaws do not address how resignations are handled (by executive board or association).  They only say the executive board fills a vacancy occurring in any office.  If the bylaws are silent, what body handles the resignation (whether by unanimous consent or by vote)?

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11 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

A body which is authorized to fill vacancies is authorized to accept resignations. §47:57 (RONR 12th Ed,)

Excellent, thank you. 

Does RONR address whether the association must ratify the executive board's authorized filling of a vacancy or its acceptance of a resignation?  Our bylaws say the executive board is authorized to fill vacancies (and accordingly, per your post, to accept resignations); the bylaws do not say whether such an action must be ratified by the association.

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5 minutes ago, Guest Shannon said:

Does RONR address whether the association must ratify the executive board's authorized filling of a vacancy or its acceptance of a resignation?  Our bylaws say the executive board is authorized to fill vacancies (and accordingly, per your post, to accept resignations); the bylaws do not say whether such an action must be ratified by the association.

The answer to that question will be found in your bylaws. If, as you describe, the board is authorized to fill vacancies, it doesn't sound like this needs to be ratified by the association. However, that depends on the actual language in the bylaws.

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5 minutes ago, Guest Guest MJ said:

Similar situation as Guest Shannon, bylaws do not address resignations.  Can the chair accept the resignation? 

The chair probably cannot accept resignations unless the bylaws provide that he may do so or the bylaws give him the unilateral right to fill vacancies. Even then, whether he has the authority to accept resignations may depend upon the exact language in the bylaws.

what do your bylaws say about filling vacancies? Who has that authority?

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34 minutes ago, Guest Guest Guest MJ said:

Thank you.  The bylaws say”. All vacancies in any office shall be filled by the board of directors at its regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose”.  The chair can call regular and special meetings.

Based on this the board of  directors would  accept the resignation.

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