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tie votes

Guest bill groeller

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A tie vote occurs whenever there are an equal number of yes and no votes or two or more candidates receive the same number of votes. A motion fails on a tie vote since it is clearly not a majority. If it is a tie vote on a motion, the chair declares that that the vote is tied and the motion fails. That’s it. Next item of business 

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4 hours ago, Richard Brown said:

If it is a tie vote on a motion, the chair declares that that the vote is tied and the motion fails. That’s it. Next item of business 

And if it's a tie vote on an election, you vote again, as often as necessary, until someone receives a majority. And by the way, you can have a tie vote even if you have an odd number of members, since someone may be absent, or abstain.

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33 minutes ago, Guest bill groeller said:

i’m asking if the present board is of four and they are split on a new project for the community. who or what decides

I don’t know how we can be any clearer with our answers. A motion fails on a tie vote. It is decided. It is over and done with, unless someone re-introduces the same motion again at a later session.   A motion fails on a tie  vote of 2 to 2 just as much as it fails if the vote is 1 to 3 or 0 to 4.  If there are four people voting on the motion, and if all four vote, it needs three yes votes in order to pass. 

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