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Replacing a member who resigned.

Guest marino5143@charter.net

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Guest marino5143@charter.net

A member (VP) resigned.  Instead of forming a committee and recommending a replacement to be voted, an election was formed (without notice) and placed on the next agenda.  Is that appropriate?  I believe a committee should have been formed and recommended a replacement.  At the same time, when the motion to vote on the actions of the committee, there could have been a call for additional nominations.  Your thoughts?

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I am in the process of reviewing the policies as we speak.  This is a public education school board that has policies, not by-laws.  When this happened unexpectedly, I reviewed the policies that don't address this situation and started reviewing Roberts Rules for answer.  I will continue to search the policies for any comment on the vacancy on the Board.   Thank you all for your comments.


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1 hour ago, Guest Quest Marino said:

This is a public education school board that has policies, not by-laws. 

Guest Marino, that statement is a bit confusing. We need to know whether this is a public school board as in a county school board for a public school (or school system) or a private school board which oversees a private school. It is sounding like this is some sort of a public school board, which is like a public body and subject to your state’s  open meeting laws and other laws dealing with school boards and public bodies. Those laws are generally not apply to a private school board.

Howare the members of this school board selected? Are they elected by the public in an election like other public officials, or are they selected in some other manner?  Just how are they selected? Who selects them? 

Regardless of whether this is a private school board or a public body, the procedure for filling vacancies is likely spelled out in your governing documents or controlling laws. 



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