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refusing an anonymous donation?


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Our club received an ANONYMOUS donation (evidently made by several people) to purchase an Item that has been debated and tabled by the Board a number of times.  This donation is made to purchase that item only.  Some Board members feel that this donation is suspiscous, at the least, to push through something that Board members are conflicted about and has been discussed by the Board and NOT to the membership.  This item was tabled to go to our General membership (according to our ByLaws) when we can have a Membership Meeting after COVID . At that meeting we would inform of the cost.  Now that the money to purchase has been made, it may be a manipulation by the donors to bypass that  ruling.  (BTW, the debate on the Board is whether or not our club needs this item and the cost).  I'm not sure now if the Board can vote on the purchase if there is a donation for that purchase. 

Does the Board have the right to ask who the ANONYMOUS donors are?  Can the Board vote on accepting the donation?

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1 hour ago, Grammy said:

Our club received an ANONYMOUS donation (evidently made by several people) to purchase an Item that has been debated and tabled by the Board a number of times.  This donation is made to purchase that item only.  Some Board members feel that this donation is suspiscous, at the least, to push through something that Board members are conflicted about and has been discussed by the Board and NOT to the membership.  This item was tabled to go to our General membership (according to our ByLaws) when we can have a Membership Meeting after COVID . At that meeting we would inform of the cost.  Now that the money to purchase has been made, it may be a manipulation by the donors to bypass that  ruling.  (BTW, the debate on the Board is whether or not our club needs this item and the cost).  I'm not sure now if the Board can vote on the purchase if there is a donation for that purchase. 

Does the Board have the right to ask who the ANONYMOUS donors are?  Can the Board vote on accepting the donation?

You might ask who the anonymous donors ask, but who would you ask?

Also how can the anonymous donors say that you may only use it to buy that particular item? 

Also can the organisation fund the maintenance of the item? (And the other costs involved?) And can the organisation make use of the item

Be wary of Greeks bearing gifts and look a given horse in the mouth.

But having said al this it is all outside the scope of this forum.

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You state that you have already received the donation. It appears that you did not agree, prior to receiving the donation, on any restrictions as to how you could use it. You don't know who gave it to you, so you cannot return it. I don't see that you are under any obligation to feel restricted in how you use the donation. Of course, this is all personal opinion and has nothing, yet, to do with RONR.

To answer the question of what the board can do now from a parliamentary procedure point of view would require you to examine the details of the motion that the board passed about "tabling" the motion to go to the membership and your bylaws.

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5 hours ago, Atul Kapur said:

You state that you have already received the donation. It appears that you did not agree, prior to receiving the donation, on any restrictions as to how you could use it. You don't know who gave it to you, so you cannot return it. I don't see that you are under any obligation to feel restricted in how you use the donation. Of course, this is all personal opinion and has nothing, yet, to do with RONR.

To answer the question of what the board can do now from a parliamentary procedure point of view would require you to examine the details of the motion that the board passed about "tabling" the motion to go to the membership and your bylaws.


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Thank you all for your responses!  To answer some of your questions.  First, the donation was given to our Treasurer by our Vice President who had a list of the donors but eould not show it to the Treasurer because they requested to be anonymous and that the donation was to be used for the item ONLY. Second, the club can afford to purchase the item but it would be a stretch.  Third, the conflict over the items is that most Board members don't think we need the item and tabled it to be brought to the General Membership.  The donation was made a week after that Board motion was made.

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