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Nominations from the floor

Guest Interested

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3 minutes ago, Guest Interested said:

I'm trying to get clarification on the procedures for nominations from the floor. Can a person run for a position after the nomination committee called for "nominations from the floor" and the meeting adjourned?

You seem to have a customized rule or procedure for nominations and elections. We need to know more about just what your process is.

Normally, the nominating committee merely makes nominations prior to the election but does not actually conduct the election or call for nominations from the floor. It is the presiding officer who usually does that after the nominating committee has made its report and prior to actually conducting the election.

Since your process appears to be different, please explain to us what your process is and whether the election is conducted at a later date. 

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Guest Thank you for your reply..

We're still new to the process and were attempting to go by the Robert rules of order procedures. The information you provided already, shows me one way the process was incorrect. The presiding officer was not part of conducting the elections. 

The following was the order for conducting elections: 

- Have one month where people nominated themselves or others nominate a candidate

After that, there was one more opportunity during the monthly meeting that gave members the ability to submit their name(s) for the open position(s) "from the floor." 

I'm wondering under Robert's Rules of Order, if it states in the bylaws you can run from the floor only, if that allows you to come back a day or two later after the meeting was adjourned and put your name in for the position? So, in other words, is "nominations from the floor" only possible during the meeting? 

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23 minutes ago, Guest Thank you for your reply.. said:

So, in other words, is "nominations from the floor" only possible during the meeting? 


21 minutes ago, George Mervosh said:


The assumption in RONR is that elections will occur at the meeting, in which case I definitely agree with Mr. Mervosh.

It sounds like the Guest's elections are occurring outside of and after the meeting. I think I still agree with Mr. Mervosh that the adjournment of the meeting appears to be the deadline (because there is no floor to be nominated from once the meeting adjourns) but it is not absolutely obvious from what we've heard so far.

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