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To un-table a motion

Guest Charlie

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During a motion and discussion to a approve our annual budget there was a motion to table this until the next meeting so members had an opportunity to review the budget. Question, at the next subsequent meeting there was a motion to un-table the previous motion should there or does that allow for a discussion on the motion? 

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40 minutes ago, Guest Charlie said:

During a motion and discussion to a approve our annual budget there was a motion to table this until the next meeting so members had an opportunity to review the budget. Question, at the next subsequent meeting there was a motion to un-table the previous motion should there or does that allow for a discussion on the motion? 

For starters, the wrong motion was used. The motion which should have been used in this instance was the motion to Postpone to a Certain Time. See FAQ #12.

When a motion is postponed to the next meeting, the motion becomes Unfinished Business for that meeting, and the chair should automatically state the question on that motion at the appropriate time. No motion is needed to bring the motion back before the assembly. The motion is subject to further debate.

When a motion is laid on the table, a motion to Take from the Table is needed to bring it back before the assembly. The motion to Take from the Table itself is not debatable, but if it is adopted, further debate on the main motion is in order.

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If there is a motion on the floor, and after discussion/debate some additional time is desired during the course of the meeting before calling for the vote--can the chair simply move the item to the end of the agenda, or does there now need to be a motion to postpone to "later in the meeting" or "the end of the meeting"?  

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I agree that the wrong motion was used.  The chair should have assisted the maker to reframe his motion as a motion to Postpone to a Certain Time.

However, I do not think this was the heart of the question.  With either motion, the question is: "should there or does that allow for a discussion on the motion?"  The answer to this question is "yes".  Debate is resumed, the only difference being that members who had exhausted their right to debate on the previous day may speak twice again to the question, just as if they had not spoken before. Orders adopted to close debate at an unreached, assigned hour at the first meeting are exhausted. 

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