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Was a motion needed in this instance?

Ayanna Card

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I am a new Parliamentarian of a local chapter of national organization.  We just started the year with newly elected officers.  After our Treasurer gave her first report, one of the previous Treasurers asked why the report did not include the detailed summary of all of the transactions completed so that members had visibility to who made the transactions.  The new Treasurer stated that the info was not something that our National body required to be shared as part of information reported to the chapter.  The older Treasurer confirmed that it was something that had always been included and that would be good information to continue to share.   The new Treasurer confirmed she fine with including it and meeting proceeded with no other member asking to comment on the subject.  

Was having this information added to the report something that required a vote by the membership?  Our bylaws state that the Treasurer is to report the chapter's monthly income and disbursements so the summary ledger that the older Treasurer alluded to was additional information that was being shared.

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The described proceedings are too loosey-goosey to know exactly what happened.  Ordinarily, a monthly treasurer's report is for information only and is not adopted or approved.  If this is the case in this local unit, then I would guess that the treasurer acquiesced to include the additional information in the report that will be filed with the secretary.  If my description is accurate, I see no reason why a motion was necessary.

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On 10/2/2021 at 9:17 AM, Ayanna Card said:

...that it was something that had always been included...

The facts seem to be that the extra information was included in the report by way of custom.  I see no reason to memorialize the custom if it is going to be continued as the established practice.

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Thank you for your response as well, Mr. Lages.  I brought the question here because my Asst Parliamentarian had the same idea about a record of the request being needed because the request was coming from one member.  Your referring to "the assembly" instead of the one member addresses part of her concern.  My thought was that it was not needed because the chapter doesn't dictate what was included in the report, the Treasurer agreed with no protest and no one else raised an objection to having the extra information there. 

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On 10/2/2021 at 3:23 PM, Rob Elsman said:

I see no reason to memorialize the custom if it is going to be continued as the established practice.

Other than to provide a record that could be reviewed to resolve the question if end when it arises again. For example, if that had been done earlier, the discussion that led to this entire thread would have been unnecessary.

So I see a benefit and I see no harm to memorializing it.

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On 10/2/2021 at 4:00 PM, Ayanna Card said:

Thank you for your response as well, Mr. Lages.  I brought the question here because my Asst Parliamentarian had the same idea about a record of the request being needed because the request was coming from one member.  Your referring to "the assembly" instead of the one member addresses part of her concern.  My thought was that it was not needed because the chapter doesn't dictate what was included in the report, the Treasurer agreed with no protest and no one else raised an objection to having the extra information there. 

In other words, what happened was (and the minutes can state): "It was agreed without objection that the treasurer's report would include ..."

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On 10/2/2021 at 10:17 AM, Ayanna Card said:

The new Treasurer stated that the info was not something that our National body required to be shared as part of information reported to the chapter.  The older Treasurer confirmed that it was something that had always been included and that would be good information to continue to share.   The new Treasurer confirmed she fine with including it and meeting proceeded with no other member asking to comment on the subject.


On 10/2/2021 at 4:07 PM, Atul Kapur said:

In other words, what happened was (and the minutes can state): "It was agreed without objection that the treasurer's report would include ..."

If the minutes were to say "It was agreed without objection", I would infer that to mean that the assembly agreed to it. Based on the description given by the OP, that is not at all what happened.

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Here is some of what RONR says about financial reports:

48:20    Reports by the Treasurer. At each meeting of a society, the chair may ask for a “Treasurer's report,” which may consist simply of a verbal statement of the cash balance on hand—or of this balance less outstanding obligations. Such a report requires no action by the assembly.
48:21    In addition, the treasurer is required to make a full financial report annually, and in some societies more often. Such an annual report should always be audited. It is compiled and dated as of the last day of the fiscal year, if there is one, or December 31 if no different financial year is stated in the bylaws.
48:22    Form and content of the financial report. The best form for the financial report depends on particular conditions, such as the kind and size of the society, the nature of its activities, the frequency of reporting, and so on. The form used should be patterned after reports in similar organizations. In any case, since the financial report is made for the information of the members, it should not contain details of dates and separate payments, which are a hindrance to the report's being understood.

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