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Rule requiring odd number of voting directors? (!)

Jim Bartel

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During a vote of directors on a measure, one voting Director was asked to recuse himself due to a financial conflict of interest which created an even number of voters. Another Director then stated that in such cases "Robert's Rules requires that the President recuse himself to avert a tie vote." Frankly, that sounds ridiculous and I am unaware of any rule relating specifically to the President voting other than those which refer to when they can vote. (In this case, the President is a voting member of the body so the issue of whether the President can vote is not a consideration.) Unfortunately, not being familiar with RO, the President agreed and the vote was taken. 

Does anyone have any information regarding the supposed rule that was cited by the Director?

Since the measure was adopted by the body, my thinking is that the measure could potentially be rescinded at the next meeting. Anyone have any other suggestions?

Thank you for your time.

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You are quite correct that requiring the president to recuse to avoid a tie vote is ridiculous, and will not be found anywhere in RONR. Tie votes on motions, since they do not constitute a majority, simply defeat the motion.

The adopted measure could be rescinded at the next meeting, as long as whatever was adopted hasn't been already carried out. The motion to use is Rescind or Amend Something Previously Adopted, which will require a majority vote if previous notice is given of the intent to make the motion, or a 2/3 vote, or a majority of the entire membership, whichever can be achieved. It sounds like, based on your description, this might be a board of directors, in which case a majority of the entire membership might be the easiest to achieve.

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On 11/28/2021 at 3:38 PM, Jim Bartel said:

If my suspicions are correct, upon putting the book in front of them they would likely ask what it was.


Thank you Bruce and Weldon for your insights.

At least you know how much credence to give to any future pronouncements from this fount of wisdom.

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On 11/28/2021 at 3:38 PM, Jim Bartel said:

If my suspicions are correct, upon putting the book in front of them they would likely ask what it was.

I am tempted to make the slightly opprobrious remark that upon putting the book anywhere, they would likely already know what it is. And I am fallen into the temptation. 🙂

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