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Main Motion 10:8

Mark Apodaca, PRP

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Can you provide an example covering 10:8 number 7C?


7 c) when adoption of the motion would have the effect of changing something already adopted, as in a motion to postpone an event previously scheduled by vote of the assembly, or to discharge a committee (from an uncompleted task previously assigned to it by means of a main motion, before the committee is ready to report)—in which case the vote required is as stated in 35:2 under Standard Characteristic 7 of the motion that takes the form either to Rescind or to Amend Something Previously Adopted.


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On 11/30/2021 at 9:51 AM, Mark Apodaca said:

To make things more specific, I am wondering if any of you know of any case studies covering this area.  Unless I overlooked it, I checked Parliamentary Questions and Answers Book II, III, and IV and did not find anything.  

Thank you,


I don't understand why you would need case studies in motions to amend something previously adopted in order to understand that such a thing exists. An assembly adopts a main motion. At a later time, it wishes to change some text of that motion, as applied to the future. A motion is made to amend it. The latter motion is a main motion of this type. Voilà.

As Mr. Elsman noted, the entire section 35 is devoted to the subject, as well as section 36 in particular cases. There is also an entire section (57) devoted to the subject of amendment of bylaws, which is a particular case of a motion to amend something previously adopted.

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Mr. Gerber,

I understand this.  However, as you know, I am the only parliamentarian who is a PRP and deaf and the first.  When I serve as a parliamentarian during conventions or provide parliamentary law and procedures training, I am required to translate English into American Sign Language.  Some of the books I use are The Guerrilla Guide to Robert's Rules and Notes and Comments on Robert's Rules which give cases or examples when explaining RRO to the members.  I find these very helpful when I explain things in ASL.   When translating, it can be challenging.

I have several other manuals so I will check them out.

Thank you.

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On 12/1/2021 at 10:18 AM, Mark Apodaca said:

I plan to put together an example applying what was mentioned in the section so that I will have some kind of "parable" to help the members understand what is meant by incidental main motions.

Not every incidental main motion has the effect of changing something previously adopted. As noted in 10:7, "Referring to the Table of Rules Relating to Motions on pages t6–t33, most of the motions listed as “main”—with the exception of No. 1 (original main motion)—are incidental main motions in their usual application."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unless I overlooked it, I checked Parliamentary Questions and Answers Book II, III, and IV and did not find anything.  

What publication is that and who publishes it and when was it published?


The three books were published by NAP.  Book II was published in 1970, Book III in 1997, and Book IV in 2010.  I find them very useful when I want to find a similar case study.  Something I learned when I took Business Law at Pepperdine.  When I last checked, Book II or III was selling from Amazon for $950.

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