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Nominated to two positions in elections

Guest Mary Barros

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On 10/25/2023 at 1:57 PM, Guest Mary Barros said:

If a person has been nominated to more than one office and is elected to two offices, can he or she choose which office he or she wants? Does the assembly then vote again on the other office?

Yes, if he is elected to two offices on the same combined ballot, then he must choose which office to accept.  At that point, the other office must be voted on again, since no other candidate could have gotten a majority.  And if there is no rule against holding multiple offices, he could run for that office too.  It's just that it can't happen on the same ballot.  Voters may decide that two offices are too much for one person even if the rules don't prevent it, and may vote for someone else.

If you hold votes for each office one at a time, rather than on a combined ballot, then the above does not apply, but someone elected to two offices may still decline one, just on the grounds that it's too much work, if nothing else.

See: [RONR (12th ed.) 46:31]


Edited by Gary Novosielski
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And that doesn't change no matter how many offices that one person occupies.


"45:2 One Person, One Vote. It is a fundamental principle of parliamentary law that each person who is a member of a deliberative assembly is entitled to one—and only one—vote on a question. This is true even if a person is elected or appointed to more than one position, each of which would entitle the holder to a vote." (Emphasis added)

Edited by Atul Kapur
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