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forum very slow again this morning

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I was just going to add to Mr. Honemann's thread from two days (?) ago, but can't find the thread in question.

Anyway, it's taking well over a minute to load most pages, and I just timed one at over 3 1/2 minutes. Certainly not much traffic here, especially on a Sunday morning, so it's hard to imagine it's the forum itself that is responsible for the delays. Something else going on with the host?

Hope it improves later, but pretty much unusable at the moment.


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I was just going to add to Mr. Honemann's thread from two days (?) ago, but can't find the thread in question.

Anyway, it's taking well over a minute to load most pages, and I just timed one at over 3 1/2 minutes. Certainly not much traffic here, especially on a Sunday morning, so it's hard to imagine it's the forum itself that is responsible for the delays. Something else going on with the host?

Hope it improves later, but pretty much unusable at the moment.


Yes, it is very slow, and this is something that happens all too often.

I know that the boss lady is doing all she can to get the people who are supposed to be able to fix such problems to do so, but so far it obviously isn't working.

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And why this topic is duplicated.

The duplication (which I didn't see myself) was also related to slow response -- (Firefox) browser timed out when I first tried to start this thread, so I told it to try again and went off to do something else. Glanced back at the tab about 15 minutes later (!) and the little circling arrow icon was still going round and round. Apparently it finally posted at 9:50 (I remember looking at my watch, and it was 9:25 when I first tried to start this thread). I guess that's a record, so far -- 25 minutes to have the board accept a post.

Makes for some pretty slow discussions :lol: .

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I just want to let everyone know that I am in frequent contact with the hosting company of the forum letting them know about the problems and being as firm as I can be that they have to resolve the performance issues or we will have to move on. They did respond today and let me know that they have made some configuration changes that they think should help. However, it does not appear to me that it has helped - or at least not enough. So I will battle on :blink:

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... letting them know about the problems ...

... have made some configuration changes that they think should help.

For what it is worth ...

Many newbies are clicking the "ADD REPLY" button FIRST, expecting an edit box to pop up.

(Like the query, "Sir or Madam, do you wish to add a post now?")

(How do I know this? Because their posts are EMPTY.)

You and I know that the "ADD REPLY" button is to be clicked on LAST, after all your editing. The newbies are clicking this button FIRST.

So, like other bulletin boards, the label on that button should be changed from "ADD REPLY" to either "SEND" or "POST YOUR TEXT".

(You don't tell an EBB to "add". You are not adding to anything. Adding is what you do to EXISTING text. You are finalizing, and committing NEW text; not ADDING to EXISTING text.)

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