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Election/Chair precides

Guest Harry

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In an election for new officers where the current officers are deprived of a vote due to lack of quorum. Do the new officers continue to act as officers until there is a newly scheduled meeting. And, at the meeting, can the officers continue to run the meeting until new officers are elected. The bylaws do not address this event.

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In an election for new officers where the current officers are deprived of a vote due to lack of quorum. Do the new officers continue to act as officers until there is a newly scheduled meeting. And, at the meeting, can the officers continue to run the meeting until new officers are elected. The bylaws do not address this event.

The correct answers depend on the wording of the bylaw that defines the officers' terms of office. See RONR (10th ed.), p. 557. At any rate, if it is necessary, a president pro tem can be elected to preside over the meeting.

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In an election for new officers where the current officers are deprived of a vote due to lack of quorum. Do the new officers continue to act as officers until there is a newly scheduled meeting. And, at the meeting, can the officers continue to run the meeting until new officers are elected. The bylaws do not address this event.

What do the bylaws say about the term of office? The exact wording is important. Then look at page 557, lines 1-6.

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The correct answers depend on the wording of the bylaw that defines the officers' terms of office. See RONR (10th ed.), p. 557. At any rate, if it is necessary, a president pro tem can be elected to preside over the meeting.

It is stated that elections will be held at a certain date to determine President and Vice President. President and Vice President are not limited to a particular term. The issue is 1) does the President continue to chair the meeting at which the election, and other matters are scheduled and 2) absent a quorum, do the President and Vice President continue to carry out their duties until a new meeting.

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In an election for new officers where the current officers are deprived of a vote due to lack of quorum.

Q1. Do the new officers continue to act as officers until there is a newly scheduled meeting?

Q2. And, at the meeting, can the officers continue to run the meeting until new officers are elected?

The bylaws do not address this event.

A1. It depends on the bylaws' definition of "term of office".

If written one way, the terms are all expired, and you have no officers.

If written another way, then the officers continue until their successors are elected.

A2. Moot.

There is only one officer needed, not a set of officers, to run a meeting.

That is, all you need is a chairman.

It matters not that the rest of the officers are in office or out of office.

A chairman pro tem is sufficient. -- You don't necessarily need the old officer to run any given meeting.

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It is stated that elections will be held at a certain date to determine President and Vice President. President and Vice President are not limited to a particular term. The issue is 1) does the President continue to chair the meeting at which the election, and other matters are scheduled and 2) absent a quorum, do the President and Vice President continue to carry out their duties until a new meeting.

You might want to obtain the services of a professional parliamentarian in your area with whom you can sit down face-to-face and go over all the relevant documents to find the correct answers to your questions. We can't do that on this forum on the basis of a few snippets or paraphrases.

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