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Privacy Issues in City Government

Guest Melissa

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Our police chief has been demoted in our town to patrolman. Mayor won't give a "reason" just says it's in the best interest of town. Yet Chief now is still doing all the work and working 24/7. A group of people went to council meeting to look for answers...they were told it couldn't be discussed because it was a "privacy issue". Don't we as citizens of our town have the right to know what's going on. I think it's a "personal" issue and if the Mayor says it's a privacy issue he doesn't have to talk about it. Thoughts?

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Our police chief has been demoted in our town to patrolman. Mayor won't give a "reason" just says it's in the best interest of town. Yet Chief now is still doing all the work and working 24/7. A group of people went to council meeting to look for answers...they were told it couldn't be discussed because it was a "privacy issue". Don't we as citizens of our town have the right to know what's going on. I think it's a "personal" issue and if the Mayor says it's a privacy issue he doesn't have to talk about it. Thoughts?

Wrong forum.

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Our police chief has been demoted in our town to patrolman. Mayor won't give a "reason" just says it's in the best interest of town. Yet Chief now is still doing all the work and working 24/7. A group of people went to council meeting to look for answers...they were told it couldn't be discussed because it was a "privacy issue". Don't we as citizens of our town have the right to know what's going on. I think it's a "personal" issue and if the Mayor says it's a privacy issue he doesn't have to talk about it. Thoughts?

Robert's Rules does not deal with "personal" nor with "personnel" issues.

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Our police chief has been demoted in our town to patrolman. Mayor won't give a "reason" just says it's in the best interest of town. Yet Chief now is still doing all the work and working 24/7. A group of people went to council meeting to look for answers...they were told it couldn't be discussed because it was a "privacy issue". Don't we as citizens of our town have the right to know what's going on. I think it's a "personal" issue and if the Mayor says it's a privacy issue he doesn't have to talk about it. Thoughts?

No rule in RONR prohibits the full debate of sensitive or confidential information in public session, however unwise it might be to do so. Nevertheless, no rule in RONR empowers non-members of the council to bring a question before the council, since non-members have no parliamentary rights under the general parliamentary law.

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