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School Board Meeting


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Our Christian school is having a special meeting of the Association(tuition paying parents of the school)and the Board has told us we cannot ask questions at the meeting unless submitted before the meeting in writing. Our school by-laws say that all meetings planned by the Board will be ruled by Roberts Rules of Order.

My question is, can the Board not let us ask questions at the meeting verbally or can they screen them in the way they plan?

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My question is, can the Board not let us ask questions at the meeting verbally or can they screen them in the way they plan?

Your board should have no role at a meeting of the general membership (and, parliamentarily speaking, the board won't even be there). The assembly (the members present) decides (via the chair) who can speak, and for how long.

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Our Christian school is having a special meeting of the Association(tuition paying parents of the school)and the Board has told us we cannot ask questions at the meeting unless submitted before the meeting in writing. Our school by-laws say that all meetings planned by the Board will be ruled by Roberts Rules of Order.

My question is, can the Board not let us ask questions at the meeting verbally or can they screen them in the way they plan?

Ah, but this meeting is not a meeting of the Board, it is a meeting of the Association. At such a meeting, the board has no power. In fact it has no existence at all, nor any right to attend, except of course as individual members of the Association.

But then, the question is, what is the purpose of this Association meeting, and whom do they propose to question?

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Ah, but this meeting is not a meeting of the Board, it is a meeting of the Association. At such a meeting, the board has no power. In fact it has no existence at all, nor any right to attend, except of course as individual members of the Association.

But then, the question is, what is the purpose of this Association meeting, and whom do they propose to question?

I'm not so sure. The title of the post is "School Board Meeting". I'm really confused about exactly who it is that is meeting.

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I'm not so sure. The title of the post is "School Board Meeting". I'm really confused about exactly who it is that is meeting.

Perhaps. But we're agreed that this is the point upon which the answer hinges. We only have what jefff tells us to go on.

If it is a Board meeting, then the board has the right to specify whether and how to respond to questions, and how those questions will be entertained. If it is an Association meeting, the board is not present and need not submit to questions at all.

So it would be good to know what the intent of the meeting is.

It would also be good if this were moved to the proper forum. ;)

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