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If a president resigns can he get back in as president the next week?

If the resignation of the president was accepted by the assembly, then that acceptance is final and may not be rescinded. Unless the bylaws say otherwise, the vice-president automatically BECOMES president.

If the resignation has not been accepted, the president may withdrqaw the resignation and continue in office.


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If the assembly meets only annually, and the president has to resign NOW, who or what body can accept the resignation to make it official?

I would say whichever body fills the vacancy. Hopefully that would be the Board and if not that the General Membership can hold Special Meetings (where they should also amend the bylaws to grant that authority to the Board).

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If the assembly meets only annually, and the president has to resign NOW, who or what body can accept the resignation to make it official?

I would say whichever body fills the vacancy. Hopefully that would be the Board and if not that the General Membership can hold Special Meetings (where they should also amend the bylaws to grant that authority to the Board).

This, of course, takes us into the bylaws.

1. Is the method of filling vacancies detailed there, including which body can do so?

2. Are Special Meetings allowed, and for which body?

3. Is the Board (let's say they meet annually as well) empowered to fill the vacancy, as well as conduct extra-meeting business (email, phone survey, etc) to be ratified at the next meeting?

For the sake of argument, let's say the answer to all is no. My understanding of page 279 (ll. 27-30) is that, absent anything in the bylaws to the contrary, the general membership alone has the power and authority to fill vacancies. Given that they meet only annually (no Special Meetings allowed), I question how a resignation could be accepted until then.

I'd say I would be surprised to hear of such an organization (single Annual meeting only) but after being on this forum, little surprises me anymore. :)

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I'd say I would be surprised to hear of such an organization (single Annual meeting only) but after being on this forum, little surprises me anymore. :)

There are plenty of organizations which only meet annually (or even less often) and for which calling a special meeting is impractical, if not impossible. Such organizations usually give the board the power to fill vacancies.

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But we are (still) left with a conundrum....

In the case of a presidential resignation, per RONR's recommendation, the V-P automatically moves into the vacated spot. But that means that NO body is "authorized to fill the vacancy", not even the assembly.

So who can accept a presidential resignation? Is the acceptance automatic, too?

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But we are (still) left with a conundrum....

In the case of a presidential resignation, per RONR's recommendation, the V-P automatically moves into the vacated spot. But that means that NO body is "authorized to fill the vacancy", not even the assembly.

So who can accept a presidential resignation? Is the acceptance automatic, too?

I don't think the acceptance would be automatic. Absent something in the bylaws addressing how the resignation is handled I think the President would stay in office until the next time the Membership met (however long that may be). In that case where the President flat out refuses to perform his duties anymore I would say that after all the begging and pleading that the President stay on until the next meeting of the Membership fails that the VP just step up and start performing the duties of the President and have every action ratified at the next meeting.

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I don't think the acceptance would be automatic. Absent something in the bylaws addressing how the resignation is handled I think the President would stay in office until the next time the Membership met (however long that may be). In that case where the President flat out refuses to perform his duties anymore I would say that after all the begging and pleading that the President stay on until the next meeting of the Membership fails that the VP just step up and start performing the duties of the President and have every action ratified at the next meeting.

According to RONR it would not matter that much, because the president hasn't much to do before the next meeting. If the bylaws give more duties to the president than presiding over the annual meeting of the assembly, the bylaws ought to be fleshed out a bit. Hopefully they would create a board to handle the business of the society between meetings.

But you're right, I've seen some scary bylaws in my day.

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So who can accept a presidential resignation? Is the acceptance automatic, too?

In my experience, there is typically a general authority to fill vacancies on the board, and I would think this power includes the authority to accept a resignation from the office of President, even though the authority to fill vacancies in that office would only apply if there was also a vacancy in the vice presidency.

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