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Name of second required?


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At an Annual Business Meeting of approximately 200 members( about 25% of our total), a motion to 'call the question' was made and seconded from the floor. As secretary, I have the name of the maker but not the second. After consulting with my minutes review committee, none of us have the name noted. Is it a MUST according to RONR to have the name of the second for the official minutes? Currently I have it noted in the minutes as "attendee"-2nd.

I have searched but can't find this specificity in the RONR book.

Thank you!

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At an Annual Business Meeting of approximately 200 members( about 25% of our total), a motion to 'call the question' was made and seconded from the floor. As secretary, I have the name of the maker but not the second. After consulting with my minutes review committee, none of us have the name noted. Is it a MUST according to RONR to have the name of the second for the official minutes? Currently I have it noted in the minutes as "attendee"-2nd.

I have searched but can't find this specificity in the RONR book.

Thank you!

The name of the seconder is not entered on the minutes unless ordered by the assembly, RONR (10th ed.), p. 453, ll. 29, 30.

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The name of the seconder is not entered on the minutes unless ordered by the assembly, RONR (10th ed.), p. 453, ll. 29, 30.

As I have reviewed many years of past minutes, the maker and second are named in every motion. I guess it would be safe to assume at some time in the past it was ordered by the assembly? I hope to be able to find that in the bylaws but not sure at this moment.

If it is required, how should I note the lack of a name and can the minutes be approved and published without it? ( we do post the minutes on our website for members to review.)

Thank you.

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As I have reviewed many years of past minutes, the maker and second are named in every motion. I guess it would be safe to assume at some time in the past it was ordered by the assembly? I hope to be able to find that in the bylaws but not sure at this moment.

If it is required, how should I note the lack of a name and can the minutes be approved and published without it? ( we do post the minutes on our website for members to review.)

Thank you.

Frankly, I wouldn't worry a whit about it. If someone is sufficiently disturbed, he can always propose a correction at the meeting at which the minutes are approved.

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As I have reviewed many years of past minutes, the maker and second are named in every motion. I guess it would be safe to assume at some time in the past it was ordered by the assembly?

Or maybe the previous secretaries just assumed that the name of the seconder was required. This myth seems to be fairly widespread. And while some may disagree, I would say that even the name of the maker of a motion for the Previous Question is not required. If anything, the minutes might say something like, "Following an order for the Previous Question, a motion by Mr. Mover, 'that [substance of the Main Motion],' was adopted."

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The name of the seconder is not entered on the minutes unless ordered by the assembly, RONR (10th ed.), p. 453, ll. 29, 30.

As I have reviewed many years of past minutes, the maker and second are named in every motion. I guess it would be safe to assume at some time in the past it was ordered by the assembly?

Whereas the above citation states "the name of the seconder of a motion..." (emphasis added) we are talking about an individual instance of the assembly ordering it. If the assembly wishes it to be part of their regular way of doing business, it would have to be in the bylaws or standing rules. I think that's a better assumption. JMO.

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At an Annual Business Meeting of approximately 200 members( about 25% of our total), a motion to 'call the question' was made and seconded from the floor. As secretary, I have the name of the maker but not the second. After consulting with my minutes review committee, none of us have the name noted. Is it a MUST according to RONR to have the name of the second for the official minutes?

As a general rule, the name of the seconder is included only if the assembly orders it. In this particular case, however, there is nothing in RONR which suggests the motion for the Previous Question needs to be included in the minutes at all.

I guess it would be safe to assume at some time in the past it was ordered by the assembly?

I think it's more likely that previous secretaries just assumed it was required.

If it is required, how should I note the lack of a name and can the minutes be approved and published without it?

Ignore the lack of a name. Don't bother recording the seconder at all. Yes, the minutes can be approved and distributed without it. The identity of the seconder is far less important than many people seem to think it is.

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