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I am wanting to appeal a disciplinary action and was purposly left off of the upcoming agenda by the president after requesting to appeal the descision. Isn't there something that states I have the right to an appeal?

Your bylaws or other governing documents may offer some assistance. Anything in there about appealing this sort of thing? If not..... :(

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I am wanting to appeal a disciplinary action and was purposly left off of the upcoming agenda by the president after requesting to appeal the descision. Isn't there something that states I have the right to an appeal?

Not the way you have in mind. Yes, there is a way under RONR to Appeal an adverse ruling that the President makes but there is no way under RONR to appeal a disciplinary action. However, there might be other options under RONR concerning your issue. Are you wanting to appeal the decision because you think something was done incorrectly procedurally or you just don't like that you were disciplined?

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Not the way you have in mind. Yes, there is a way under RONR to Appeal an adverse ruling that the President makes but there is no way under RONR to appeal a disciplinary action. However, there might be other options under RONR concerning your issue. Are you wanting to appeal the decision because you think something was done incorrectly procedurally or you just don't like that you were disciplined?

I am being falsy accused of slander which is slander itself....I have refused and stepped down from my board position due to unethical actions by the rest of the board....by asking too many direct questions referring to transparency of funds, etc. and it was deemed detremental...with that being said, the 'proof' in question isn't proof at all and I am wanting them to strike the action they took. I have hired counsel to help me in my quest to help with this happening. I have proven that no proof exists.

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Not the way you have in mind. Yes, there is a way under RONR to Appeal an adverse ruling that the President makes but there is no way under RONR to appeal a disciplinary action. However, there might be other options under RONR concerning your issue. Are you wanting to appeal the decision because you think something was done incorrectly procedurally or you just don't like that you were disciplined?

I'm big enough to admit if I deserved it, however, even my attorney says it's unfounded accusations with no proof...these people (no I did not vote them in) has no regard for fairness or ethics and hands out ban letters as if they were flowers. When someone comes in and questions them, that is their defense.

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I'm big enough to admit if I deserved it, however, even my attorney says it's unfounded accusations with no proof...these people (no I did not vote them in) has no regard for fairness or ethics and hands out ban letters as if they were flowers. When someone comes in and questions them, that is their defense.

Disciplinary action in a private society does not require the same rules of evidence as court trial would require. It's possible (depending on your bylaws) that the discipline could have been properly handled, even if based upon "evidence" that would be inadmissible in court. Maybe not right or even fair, but properly handled.

But then again, the most a society can do is deprive you of membership, which is not one of your civil rights. They cannot deprive you of life, liberty, or property, the way a court can. And if they simply expel you and then keep their mouths shut, there may be little or nothing the attorney can do.

But if they made the mistake of spreading the word of your disciplinary action around town, they might well get themselves into trouble, and your attorney may yet earn his fee.

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